Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bad Boy

It's not what you think. Bad Boy does not refer to the record company, Charlie Sheen (I feel like that was an old person reference, no offense), or any movie featuring Will Smith.

Bad Boy is actually a white Honda Accord vintage 1993. He has served my family well. My Dad bought him at a Police impound auction in '94 (I believe) for $5,000 and 15 years later he's still kicking. My Dad drove him, my sister did, and now I do.

I'm told by my sister that the scratches and dents are actually from my Dad's ownership period, but the cigarette burn in the back seat is actually from one of my sister's friend's trashy friend.

I was thinking about it today and Bad Boy has really been through a lot. Countless trips to San Diego and back, trips to Arizona, commuting to San Diego from Orange County, and commuting to Torrance from Glendale. And that's just within the past 5 years, during my ownership period.

160,000 miles.

Between my sister and I, Bad Boy has lived at two different universities and definitely lived up to his name and reputation.

Bad Boy it was, he racked up approximately 30 parking tickets, wheels locked twice, and towed twice. The university outlaw.

He's served us well, and this year in his 16th year of existence has started on his last leg. Poor little guy. I'm not sure what will become of him... But I know that we loved him dearly and he will be part of our family story. The Bad Boy, The Champ.

What's on the horizon? Perhaps Bad Boy's distant nephew the Toyota Prius 2010 has something to offer. What do you think?

Dramatic as usual...

Lizzy Rae

Stillness is my Everest

It's the little things. As much as I focus on the big and grand, it's the little things that make me smile and keep me laughing throughout the day. Most days.

It's a paw resting on my hand from Buddy, the glory of a space heater, or the relaxation that comes along with NCIS.

It's that feeling of instant brain power after putting on my glasses, the productivity that comes along with a to-do list, and the pure hunger satisfaction that comes with a homemade quesadilla.

Today I read my sister's blog post (I think it was from yesterday) about being still. Now for me, this might be one of THE most difficult things. Something that I constantly feel God tugging at my heart to do, stop and be still in His presence.

So I made an attempt. I have been so focused so much on the future that I haven't stopped, been still, and focused on the little things.

I walked out to the point looked at the water and stood there for a little bit. (Jealous that my stillness moment didn't include Buddy laying next to me on the grass like Stephanie's).

I took this picture with my phone with my feet facing forward. I like it because it looks like I am going to walk forward, but in reality I am standing on the ledge facing the water and just breathing.


Dramatic as usual...


Lizzy Rae

Friday, November 6, 2009

Writer's Block

Writer's block is what I write when I don't know what to write. It's stream of consciousness therefore I don't edit, it will be random, probably won't make sense, and will obviously be dramatic as usual. So here it goes...

Sometimes I'm bitchy. I'll just put that out there. Most of you who have met me before, know me pretty well, or have known me for years might not know this. You might not be one of the people who get the brunt of the madness.

I get overwhelmed easily. I get overwhelmed easily, but I feel like I can handle the world. So what do you get when you put the two together?

I feel on top of the world when I am busy and productive. I find work fun. I love fixing things. Sounds lame. So what does this mean for my relationships?

What happens when I go through periods of time where I am apathetic? How does that make YOU feel? Probably not the best. Then I feel guilty and consequently overwhelmed.

Do you ever look at yourself and think, how will I ever change everything that I need to? How will I feel peace in who I am? How will I trust myself in the decisions that I make? How will I truly love Him from the inside out?

My prayer is for God to align my heart with His, my desires with His, my dreams with His. I pray that His voice would become mine.

Living day to day doesn't seem so overwhelming when I wake up and ask Him to be with me throughout it.

I don't know so much about theology. I went to a Christian University, which means absolutely nothing except that it probably made me more irritable by other Christians.

And as I arrive at graduation time and I am filled with doubt and confusion and fear- all that I know is that I DON'T know. For a control freak like me, yikes. All that I know is that I DON'T know. This leaves me in prayer and I hope that it keeps me in prayer.

How can I pray for you?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jesus Paid It All

Eric McClenahan and his amazing wife Raquel worked on this video together and it played in last weeks church services at Montrose Church. It was such an amazing and moving illustration. Had to share it with you. :)

Jesus Paid it All
I hear the Savior say
Thy strength indeed is small
Child of and pray
Find in me....thine all in all

Jesus paid it all
All to Him I owe
Sin hath left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow

Lord, now indeed I find
Thy power and Thine alone
Can change the leper's spots
And melt the heart of stone

For nothing good have I
Whereby Thy grace to claim
I'll wash my garments white
In the blood of Calvary's Lamb

And when before thy throne
I stand in Him complete
Jesus died my soul to save
My lips shall still repeat

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Countdown Continues...

The more assignments that I complete, group projects I participate in, emails I send, and yes jobs that I apply to, the more and more I am reminded of my impending graduation from university. I am extremely excited and extremely nervous. I am overwhelmed with feeling thankful for the opportunity of an education and extremely blessed for the support system that has guided me through. So with that said, the countdown continues below! Yikes.

Feeling dramatic as usual.


Lizzy Rae

Created by OnePlusYou

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Inspired by... the Letter C

It's about stopping and observing what is going on around you. What do you see when you take a second to look at the details that surround your every day? My sister, Ipp, Sean, and I are beginning a blog series where every week we find the form of a letter in an abstract way and take a picture of it then write about all of the different words that are inspired by that letter. This week I am "Inspired by... the Letter C".

Stephie- I giggled reading about your giggling as you walked around your house looking for obscure places to find abstract letters. I did the same thing as I strolled around work today :)

The following are inspired by the letter C...

Crime Dramas: My sanctuary... lying on by bed watching crime dramas.

Control: The thing that I crave. (You should see my day planner)

Chaos: The thing that I avoid.

Coke Zero: The only soda that I drink with a smile :)

CAPM: What we're learning about in Finance.

Celebrity Fit Club: The show that Ippi is working on right now.

City Slickers: We (As a young family) used to watch these movies all of the time.

Chicago: I'm going to visit Chicago, Illinois for the first time in December! Cold!

Collins: Closer than family.

Cosmo: My sister and I love the magazine (and the drink).

Check out other "Inspired by..." posts: Stephie, Seany, Ippi

Monday, October 26, 2009

All I Want Is U2?

I must admit, I was a little surprised at exactly how much I enjoyed it. Honestly when everyone was making such a hype, I made a few jokes to the effect of, "They were in their prime when I was in the third grade". But even though I made a few jokes and had lower expectations there was no way that I was going to turn down the opportunity to go to such an amazing and historic concert. U2. Approximately 97,000 people of all different generations and backgrounds came together in good ol' Pasadena to share the love of music and to appreciate the legend and legacy that is U2. From the minute the music started (I was in the line for the bathroom) I was pleasantly surprised and equally embarrassed at my low expectations for such talent. It was a great night to share with friends Eric, Raquel, Ryan, and my lovely bf Ippi :) Black Eyed Peas were and interesting but amazing choice for an opening band, they did exactly what they were supposed to, getting us excited to share in the love of music!

Here are some pics that we snagged with our phones!

xoxo Lizzy Rae

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Battle Continues: Mac vs. PC

Windows 7 was released and the battle between the Mac and PC continues. I am a Mac lover but can't help but enjoy the advertisements for both. (Especially that cute little PC girl). Lets continue to let these companies fight over us as consumers, with clever and entertaining advertisements.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

All you need is love?

I get that relationships are hard work. I think I am pretty good at working at them, the tangible and instantly gratifying relationships that I have with people. What about my relationship with God? I have for so long desired to desire God. But the usual methods for fixing and growing human relationships do not work with the God of the universe, or do they? How do I WORK on that relationship?

I have been struggling with this question for so long that I have become stagnant. I have been so put off by the “must do’s/don’t do’s” of the Christian college atmosphere that I totally forgot that my Christianity is not based on the expectations of others but on my love for my Savior and His love for me.

I understand and I crave that but I won’t lie, I am scared. I am so haunted by the “give up what you have and follow me,” that I cannot bring myself to grow closer to God in fear that He will ask me to do just that. I have lived out my Christianity according to expectations, only to realize that I am missing the passion and desire for Jesus Christ. Then again, I’m afraid.

Are there such things as baby steps? If I am so scared that I can’t get myself to be silent in fear of being convicted or commanded to do something, can I take it one step at a time? My fear is blocking my ability to see how much God loves me. That He has plans for me.

I am so Type A that the fact that He has plans for me that I can’t figure out drives me absolutely crazy. In a time of so much uncertainty for me, when I feel like I am barely holding onto a small piece of control over my future, I am supposed to give it to him? How?

If despite the fear, I take up my cross and follow Him. How? Reading my Bible and praying? Is that enough? Is love really the simple answer?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Childlike Faith :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Writer's Block Ramblings

I haven’t been able to write recenty. Don’t know why except that I have been writing and reading a lot for school and I haven’t let myself sit and think and process and be me. So what am I thinking?

I’m thinking about and anticipating exactly how hard this semester will be. How many assignments will make me nervous and anxious. About how to build your confidence up after you have been put down. About finding a job and what the heck “market yourself” means.

I am thinking about how every time the train goes by and honks its horn (or whatever that thing is) my heart skips a beat. I hate that. I’m thinking that I really hope I actually use Netflix as much as I anticipated. That my heart will learn to be patient and logical while remaining passionate and connected. I think that making lists is a way for me to control my environment when I feel out of control.

I am thinking that I have underestimated the power of football season for way too long. That I miss signing. That I miss writing songs.

My pizza is ready…

I am thinking about how fun it is to go to the grocery store with someone new. How it’s possible to start a new life in your home town. I am thinking that I should hold onto my youth while longing to grow up.

I think that I love blogging even though it doesn’t make any sense right now because no matter what anyone understands I feel a sense of peace just writing down, what I think.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Tomorrow is a Brand New Day

I am so thankful blessed and excited that tomorrow is always a brand new day. That I get to wake up and go
to work and go to school to come home and do school work. It's so easy to complain but how amazing is it that I have such opportunities. I pray that I will be grateful and thankful all throughout my day.

Do It Lord

This song was sung this weekend at church and I love it.

Do It Lord

By: Tommy Walker

I see your glory, covering the earth Lord
Just as the waters, covering the sea
I see the millions, coming to salvation
I see revival, fire in the land
I see the lost, nameless ones remembered
I see the widows, shouting out your praise
I see the friendless, loved and cele brated
Orphans fullfilling Lord, your calling on their lives

Do It Lord, do it lord
Do it Lord we are praying
Do it Lord, do it
That your glory may be seen

I see forgiveness over taking hatred
Pride and prejudice, now giving way to love
I see depression replaced with joy and gladness
And Satan's lies, now bowing to the truth

Do It Lord, do it lord
Do it Lord we are praying
Do it Lord, do it!
That your glory may be seen

This is our prayer oh God
This is our desperate cry
In these days that were living now
Let your kingdom come
Let your will be done

I see the brokeness of families, brought to wholeness
I see the prodigals, running home to you
Father's hearts, now turning toward their children
And the children's hearts, turning toward the fathers
I see your Church, all rising up in power
Laying down their lives in unity and love
I hear the sound of every tribe and nation
Giving glory to Jesus Christ the Son

Pictures are Worth... Priceless

I love my family, as maybe you can tell. To me family means way more than biology and genetics, more than childhood and my last name. To me it means love. It means home. It means I call them to share the best and worse of news. That I carry them with me throughout my life wherever I am.

Erin Youngren, 1/2 of the husband and wife photography team The Youngrens, that photographed my sisters wedding, put it perfectly in their blog when she described the feeling and impact of being surrounded by love. That's family. That's my family...

The family gets a beach house for the week in Newport every summer. We were so priviileged to have Jeff and Erin Youngren as our guests the first Sunday night and they even took some amazing family pictures of us. Check them out on their blog here.


In an effort to be original and to save some money and following the lead of my crafty and creative mother and sister I decided to sew and paint a lot of the decorations that I wanted in my room this year. I had so much fun learning to sew curtains, pillow cases, and runners (my mom is a great teacher and my sister is a great learning partner) and expressing myself creatively by painting my own canvases for my room. As I have mentioned before, I have been a little homesick these past few weeks living in my new apartment, and I think that the following touches of home have really made my room feel more comfortable and warm and have put some of those homesick feelings at ease.

To warn you, my Dad has often described my painting and style as "college-y" not sure what that means but I have never QUITE taken it as a compliment. So I realize that this just might look a little "college-y" to you too but just know that whatever it is, I love it and I really hope you do too (but if you don't it's okay because after all you're really not the one living in it).


Okay so here I am not so much showing you the pictures or my TV but the black and white runner that I sewed for my dresser.


Here are the canvases that I painted with two of my favorite lyrics, I painted these as hopeful reminders of God's love and my desire to live my days for Him.


This final picture shows another set of curtains and the teal pillow cases that I sewed. I love the contrast of the dark with the bright, Stephanie was my interior designer for most of these.

Check out another one of her interior design projects here.

From the City...

Sex and the City really can be profound and so true. It's one of my favorite shows even though I have only watched it on TBS reruns and rented seasons on DVD because I was only like 12 when the show was canceled. I own the Sex and the City movie and admittedly cried the first time I saw it and last night sat down to watch it again all five hours of it. I love it. My sister recently started doing blog posts answering some of Carrie Bradshaw's infamous profound questions on her blog. Check them out here. Below are some of my favorite Sex and the City quotes that will undoubtedly make you laugh or smile or shake your head.

“I will never be the woman with the perfect hair, who can wear white and not spill on it.”

“Maybe mistakes are what make our fate... without them what would shape our lives? Maybe if we had never veered off course we wouldn't fall in love, have babies, or be who we are. After all, things change, so do cities, people come into your life and they go. But it's comforting to know that the ones you love are always in your heart... and if you're very lucky, a plane ride away”

“Maybe some women aren't meant to be tamed. Maybe they just need to run free til they find someone just as wild to run with them.”

“Are there some women put in the world just to make you feel bad about yourself?”

“But the most exciting, challenging and significant relationship of all is the one you have with yourself. And if you can find someone to love the you you love, well, that's just fabulous.”

I Believe It's Called Projection


Okay so I’m not a psychology buff, although I have been analyzed many-a-time, but I HAVE heard of that term “projection.” I think that’s the one where you are feeling one emotion but you project another emotion onto someone else? I believe it’s what you might call a defense mechanism. (That might not be it at all but for the purpose of this post, let's pretend, it's late).Have you ever heard the phrase “I’d rather fight with you than anything happy with anyone else?” that might not be it exactly, but you get the gist.

Before two weeks ago I had never done a long distance relationship before. I know we like to say that “It’s good for you as an individual” and “I’m so happy for you to have this time to grow” but let’s just be real and admit that those are little lies that we tell ourselves to try to ignore the pain of missing being around someone that you care about.

Missing someone is like having multiple personalities. On one hand there is the sweet thoughtful personality that sends random cards, presents and surprises. On another hand there’s the personality that sulks around feeling lonely and listening to songs that remind you of him. There’s also a personality that anxiously anticipates his next visit, one that aims to stay busy and avoid feeling, one that covers your walls with pictures of the two of you, and one that picks a fight just because you’re sad and a little lonely.

Tonight’s personality of choice-- the last option. The projection. The lonely. The “I’m missing you darn it so I’m going to find something to fight about” really attractive part deep down inside of me. The defense mechanism that always ends up making me feel crummier than before. Picking a fight just to feel close to you, to displace my sad feelings, to let go of some of that anxiety and anticipation… it never feels good. So why do I continue to do it?

No clue… sorry.

It's 8:30 on a Monday Night

Random thoughts...

I made dinner tonight. Okay, I lied. I heated up brown rice in the microwave added some Italian Seasoning and heated up some chicken that my mom grilled for me last night. Whether or not I cooked it, I sure did feel domestic. I felt accomplished and excited. I love that feeling of independence no matter where it comes from.

I then moved on to homework time. Tonight's docket includes reading for Entrepreneurship and problems from the text book for Finance. I'm not sure if it's because I have great professors, if the material is more applicable than ever, or because I see the light at the end of the tunnel (aka graduation), but like the nerd I always knew I was inside... I LOVE school.

I LOVE learning and asking questions and applying them to my daily life and to be completely honest, being in an office makes me giddy. This translates into my excitement to graduate and get a job. I KNOW I KNOW... everyone says to hold on as long as I can but if you know me at all you know that patience is not my strongest virtue. I LOVE working in an office and I LOVE my job. Hint from my Childhood: At the age of 7 I was running "Family Meetings", with my coloring box brief case and make-shift pajama shirt business outfit. I guess I always knew that I would find joy in an office setting, that cubicles wouldn't scare me, that I would find dressing up for work glamorous, and that the thought of a corner office would always entice me.

SO on that note... for now I am craving something sweet, trying to talk myself into working out in the morning, wondering what I'm going to wear tomorrow, and hoping I get to talk to the bf tonight on the phone... all while trying to read the next 60 pages of Wikinomics, moving on to the first few chapters of Malcom Gladwell's Blink, and finally hopping over to Excel to create a balance sheet and income statement for Chapter 2 problems in Finance.

I sure do get random in the evenings...

Sunday Post in a New Way

Simple Diary- Lizzy

Thoughts on the Train


I’m currently on the Amtrak from San Diego to Los Angeles. Sitting down for three hours really gets you thinking…

I don’t want to sound whiny and sour. I am so happy, so extremely blessed and so thankful for my life. I guess a lot of the time I am inspired to write in order to deal with the weird stuff that is going on in my life. It helps to write about the things that really tug at my heartstrings that make me joyous, upset, and confused. So what are those?

Right now I am feeling confused and conflicted. Since moving back down to school this past Sunday I have been going through a miniature identity crisis. I left San Diego in the beginning of May not confident in who I was and anxious of my future. Throughout the summer I began to find comfort and peace in who I am and embrace life and my future. It was like I had been holding my breath for so long and then finally just let myself let go and breathe, let myself stop worrying so much and start living. What an amazing and freeing feeling.

Fast-forward three months and summer is over, school has started and I have moved back to San Diego. It’s one semester before graduation and I am so completely excited for my future, the problem is that I just can’t seem to get excited about the present. Have you ever felt like a square block trying to fit into a circle opening? I can’t help but feel like that right now. Like something has changed in me and not in anything else. As if I left that breath of fresh air in Los Angeles when I left home.
How do you hold onto who you are no matter where you are?

My dream is to embrace each day and be thankful, wake up with a smile and find my purpose in every day. Wonderful concept but how do I put it into action?


Feels Like Home to Me

I am writing this post at the risk of sounding very emo, and I'm okay with that. I hope you are too.

What feels like home to you? To everyone its different, it may be a smell, a sound, or even the sight of a plastic covered couch that reminds them of home. For me it's everything. It's the sound of a dog barking, the smell of good food, the sound of insane laughter, stories being told, crime dramas, little kids, big kids, gigantic 6'5" mexicans... everything.

This week was the first week of my last semester as a college student. As a senior you would think that I get used to saying goodbye to the fam, that it doesn't make me ball hysterically the entire drive back to school, that I don't have to cut subsequent phone calls to home short because I'm getting weepy, that I don't feel homesick in my really cute and fun apartment in downtown. But I do.

There's something about being in a place where you know you are loved unconditionally, where your ups and downs are shared with those around you, where you never have to laugh or cry alone, where your bad days are met with a sympathetic look by a big black lab... HOME.

I miss it...

Who Says You Can't Do Prom Again?

Ok so I think I finally found the perfect prom date and prom group. Am I too late? Two nights ago my sister came over to try on my prom dress for a black-tie wedding she was going to. When she got it out of the guest room closet we realized that not only was MY prom dress hanging there but so was HERS and while MY dress is three years old, HERS is seven and SO deliciously 2002!

The whole house was in for a special treat as we took them on a little trip down memory lane, prom style. We put our prom dresses on for the first time since prom night and walked around the house posing for my mom as she humored us with pictures. It was a joyous occassion :) We not only brought our mom into the madness as paparazzi but made made the boys pose with us in the ever popular prom pose... even Buddy (our dog) graced us with a picture.

So just in case we didn't embarrass ourselves enough in our own home that day, I thought it would be necessary to share it with the world (aka the few friends and family that read my blog).


On Elizabeth... Designed by Elizabeth Rae, Made by Vera Villa

On Stephanie... Dress from Windsor Store

Now: 3-7 Years Later

With Buddy...


With our dates...


With the sun that made us realize our dresses were see through... oops


For Papa

Older Mexican men tug at my heart strings. I don't know why but Mexican men in freshly pressed jeans, flannel shirts, and cowboy hats make me a little weepy. It could be because they remind me of one of my two favorite men in the world, my Papa Villa. I miss him.


To me, my Papa has always been a symbol of strength, hard work, and pride. He had dark leathered skin, calloused hands, and a passion for telling stories. His dark skin was dark from the Arizona sun that he spent 60 years working beneath, his calloused hands were from picking crops, hauling hay, and raising his own animals and vegetables, and his stories came from a long life lived in a very different time.


With only a 7th grade education, he sure did love to teach what he knew. He taught me how to garden, the importance of an education, the value of hard work, and the power of thinking for yourself. I know that he wasn't a saint, but to me he is a hero. He may not have shown his love for his family through words of affirmation or gifts but he worked hard for many years to provide for them and what they needed. He may not have been quick to humor or sentiment, but he read to me when I was little and told me stories when I got older and I always knew that he loved me.


The stories we tell from my Dad's childhood that make us roll on the floor laughing usually involve my Papa's "I don't give a damn" attitude. Countless stories of junky cars, escaping livestock, and life on a farm would never make my Papa even blink an eye in embarrassment because to him that was life and well, he didn't give a damn. To him those stories didn't mean much but to us, to his family, they mean the world. They are a narrative to his legacy.


His legacy is one that lives inside his children and grandchildren's hearts, that makes us laugh when we see a car dealership, the dog races, or a junky car. That makes us smile when we see a Red Lobster, when someone says shit, or blames something on "the man". That makes us work harder even if we feel tired or run down, that doesn't let us quit... That lets us know that nothing is ever impossible, even if he didn't believe it, his story tells it. Thanks Papa.

