Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bad Boy

It's not what you think. Bad Boy does not refer to the record company, Charlie Sheen (I feel like that was an old person reference, no offense), or any movie featuring Will Smith.

Bad Boy is actually a white Honda Accord vintage 1993. He has served my family well. My Dad bought him at a Police impound auction in '94 (I believe) for $5,000 and 15 years later he's still kicking. My Dad drove him, my sister did, and now I do.

I'm told by my sister that the scratches and dents are actually from my Dad's ownership period, but the cigarette burn in the back seat is actually from one of my sister's friend's trashy friend.

I was thinking about it today and Bad Boy has really been through a lot. Countless trips to San Diego and back, trips to Arizona, commuting to San Diego from Orange County, and commuting to Torrance from Glendale. And that's just within the past 5 years, during my ownership period.

160,000 miles.

Between my sister and I, Bad Boy has lived at two different universities and definitely lived up to his name and reputation.

Bad Boy it was, he racked up approximately 30 parking tickets, wheels locked twice, and towed twice. The university outlaw.

He's served us well, and this year in his 16th year of existence has started on his last leg. Poor little guy. I'm not sure what will become of him... But I know that we loved him dearly and he will be part of our family story. The Bad Boy, The Champ.

What's on the horizon? Perhaps Bad Boy's distant nephew the Toyota Prius 2010 has something to offer. What do you think?

Dramatic as usual...

Lizzy Rae

Stillness is my Everest

It's the little things. As much as I focus on the big and grand, it's the little things that make me smile and keep me laughing throughout the day. Most days.

It's a paw resting on my hand from Buddy, the glory of a space heater, or the relaxation that comes along with NCIS.

It's that feeling of instant brain power after putting on my glasses, the productivity that comes along with a to-do list, and the pure hunger satisfaction that comes with a homemade quesadilla.

Today I read my sister's blog post (I think it was from yesterday) about being still. Now for me, this might be one of THE most difficult things. Something that I constantly feel God tugging at my heart to do, stop and be still in His presence.

So I made an attempt. I have been so focused so much on the future that I haven't stopped, been still, and focused on the little things.

I walked out to the point looked at the water and stood there for a little bit. (Jealous that my stillness moment didn't include Buddy laying next to me on the grass like Stephanie's).

I took this picture with my phone with my feet facing forward. I like it because it looks like I am going to walk forward, but in reality I am standing on the ledge facing the water and just breathing.


Dramatic as usual...


Lizzy Rae

Friday, November 6, 2009

Writer's Block

Writer's block is what I write when I don't know what to write. It's stream of consciousness therefore I don't edit, it will be random, probably won't make sense, and will obviously be dramatic as usual. So here it goes...

Sometimes I'm bitchy. I'll just put that out there. Most of you who have met me before, know me pretty well, or have known me for years might not know this. You might not be one of the people who get the brunt of the madness.

I get overwhelmed easily. I get overwhelmed easily, but I feel like I can handle the world. So what do you get when you put the two together?

I feel on top of the world when I am busy and productive. I find work fun. I love fixing things. Sounds lame. So what does this mean for my relationships?

What happens when I go through periods of time where I am apathetic? How does that make YOU feel? Probably not the best. Then I feel guilty and consequently overwhelmed.

Do you ever look at yourself and think, how will I ever change everything that I need to? How will I feel peace in who I am? How will I trust myself in the decisions that I make? How will I truly love Him from the inside out?

My prayer is for God to align my heart with His, my desires with His, my dreams with His. I pray that His voice would become mine.

Living day to day doesn't seem so overwhelming when I wake up and ask Him to be with me throughout it.

I don't know so much about theology. I went to a Christian University, which means absolutely nothing except that it probably made me more irritable by other Christians.

And as I arrive at graduation time and I am filled with doubt and confusion and fear- all that I know is that I DON'T know. For a control freak like me, yikes. All that I know is that I DON'T know. This leaves me in prayer and I hope that it keeps me in prayer.

How can I pray for you?

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Jesus Paid It All

Eric McClenahan and his amazing wife Raquel worked on this video together and it played in last weeks church services at Montrose Church. It was such an amazing and moving illustration. Had to share it with you. :)

Jesus Paid it All
I hear the Savior say
Thy strength indeed is small
Child of and pray
Find in me....thine all in all

Jesus paid it all
All to Him I owe
Sin hath left a crimson stain
He washed it white as snow

Lord, now indeed I find
Thy power and Thine alone
Can change the leper's spots
And melt the heart of stone

For nothing good have I
Whereby Thy grace to claim
I'll wash my garments white
In the blood of Calvary's Lamb

And when before thy throne
I stand in Him complete
Jesus died my soul to save
My lips shall still repeat