Wednesday, October 28, 2009

The Countdown Continues...

The more assignments that I complete, group projects I participate in, emails I send, and yes jobs that I apply to, the more and more I am reminded of my impending graduation from university. I am extremely excited and extremely nervous. I am overwhelmed with feeling thankful for the opportunity of an education and extremely blessed for the support system that has guided me through. So with that said, the countdown continues below! Yikes.

Feeling dramatic as usual.


Lizzy Rae

Created by OnePlusYou

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Inspired by... the Letter C

It's about stopping and observing what is going on around you. What do you see when you take a second to look at the details that surround your every day? My sister, Ipp, Sean, and I are beginning a blog series where every week we find the form of a letter in an abstract way and take a picture of it then write about all of the different words that are inspired by that letter. This week I am "Inspired by... the Letter C".

Stephie- I giggled reading about your giggling as you walked around your house looking for obscure places to find abstract letters. I did the same thing as I strolled around work today :)

The following are inspired by the letter C...

Crime Dramas: My sanctuary... lying on by bed watching crime dramas.

Control: The thing that I crave. (You should see my day planner)

Chaos: The thing that I avoid.

Coke Zero: The only soda that I drink with a smile :)

CAPM: What we're learning about in Finance.

Celebrity Fit Club: The show that Ippi is working on right now.

City Slickers: We (As a young family) used to watch these movies all of the time.

Chicago: I'm going to visit Chicago, Illinois for the first time in December! Cold!

Collins: Closer than family.

Cosmo: My sister and I love the magazine (and the drink).

Check out other "Inspired by..." posts: Stephie, Seany, Ippi

Monday, October 26, 2009

All I Want Is U2?

I must admit, I was a little surprised at exactly how much I enjoyed it. Honestly when everyone was making such a hype, I made a few jokes to the effect of, "They were in their prime when I was in the third grade". But even though I made a few jokes and had lower expectations there was no way that I was going to turn down the opportunity to go to such an amazing and historic concert. U2. Approximately 97,000 people of all different generations and backgrounds came together in good ol' Pasadena to share the love of music and to appreciate the legend and legacy that is U2. From the minute the music started (I was in the line for the bathroom) I was pleasantly surprised and equally embarrassed at my low expectations for such talent. It was a great night to share with friends Eric, Raquel, Ryan, and my lovely bf Ippi :) Black Eyed Peas were and interesting but amazing choice for an opening band, they did exactly what they were supposed to, getting us excited to share in the love of music!

Here are some pics that we snagged with our phones!

xoxo Lizzy Rae

Sunday, October 25, 2009

The Battle Continues: Mac vs. PC

Windows 7 was released and the battle between the Mac and PC continues. I am a Mac lover but can't help but enjoy the advertisements for both. (Especially that cute little PC girl). Lets continue to let these companies fight over us as consumers, with clever and entertaining advertisements.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

All you need is love?

I get that relationships are hard work. I think I am pretty good at working at them, the tangible and instantly gratifying relationships that I have with people. What about my relationship with God? I have for so long desired to desire God. But the usual methods for fixing and growing human relationships do not work with the God of the universe, or do they? How do I WORK on that relationship?

I have been struggling with this question for so long that I have become stagnant. I have been so put off by the “must do’s/don’t do’s” of the Christian college atmosphere that I totally forgot that my Christianity is not based on the expectations of others but on my love for my Savior and His love for me.

I understand and I crave that but I won’t lie, I am scared. I am so haunted by the “give up what you have and follow me,” that I cannot bring myself to grow closer to God in fear that He will ask me to do just that. I have lived out my Christianity according to expectations, only to realize that I am missing the passion and desire for Jesus Christ. Then again, I’m afraid.

Are there such things as baby steps? If I am so scared that I can’t get myself to be silent in fear of being convicted or commanded to do something, can I take it one step at a time? My fear is blocking my ability to see how much God loves me. That He has plans for me.

I am so Type A that the fact that He has plans for me that I can’t figure out drives me absolutely crazy. In a time of so much uncertainty for me, when I feel like I am barely holding onto a small piece of control over my future, I am supposed to give it to him? How?

If despite the fear, I take up my cross and follow Him. How? Reading my Bible and praying? Is that enough? Is love really the simple answer?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Childlike Faith :)