Thursday, November 19, 2009

Bad Boy

It's not what you think. Bad Boy does not refer to the record company, Charlie Sheen (I feel like that was an old person reference, no offense), or any movie featuring Will Smith.

Bad Boy is actually a white Honda Accord vintage 1993. He has served my family well. My Dad bought him at a Police impound auction in '94 (I believe) for $5,000 and 15 years later he's still kicking. My Dad drove him, my sister did, and now I do.

I'm told by my sister that the scratches and dents are actually from my Dad's ownership period, but the cigarette burn in the back seat is actually from one of my sister's friend's trashy friend.

I was thinking about it today and Bad Boy has really been through a lot. Countless trips to San Diego and back, trips to Arizona, commuting to San Diego from Orange County, and commuting to Torrance from Glendale. And that's just within the past 5 years, during my ownership period.

160,000 miles.

Between my sister and I, Bad Boy has lived at two different universities and definitely lived up to his name and reputation.

Bad Boy it was, he racked up approximately 30 parking tickets, wheels locked twice, and towed twice. The university outlaw.

He's served us well, and this year in his 16th year of existence has started on his last leg. Poor little guy. I'm not sure what will become of him... But I know that we loved him dearly and he will be part of our family story. The Bad Boy, The Champ.

What's on the horizon? Perhaps Bad Boy's distant nephew the Toyota Prius 2010 has something to offer. What do you think?

Dramatic as usual...

Lizzy Rae