Thursday, September 17, 2009

Feels Like Home to Me

I am writing this post at the risk of sounding very emo, and I'm okay with that. I hope you are too.

What feels like home to you? To everyone its different, it may be a smell, a sound, or even the sight of a plastic covered couch that reminds them of home. For me it's everything. It's the sound of a dog barking, the smell of good food, the sound of insane laughter, stories being told, crime dramas, little kids, big kids, gigantic 6'5" mexicans... everything.

This week was the first week of my last semester as a college student. As a senior you would think that I get used to saying goodbye to the fam, that it doesn't make me ball hysterically the entire drive back to school, that I don't have to cut subsequent phone calls to home short because I'm getting weepy, that I don't feel homesick in my really cute and fun apartment in downtown. But I do.

There's something about being in a place where you know you are loved unconditionally, where your ups and downs are shared with those around you, where you never have to laugh or cry alone, where your bad days are met with a sympathetic look by a big black lab... HOME.

I miss it...