Friday, January 15, 2010


{Is this POP-y enough?}

I was told I need to work on my photography. I didn't realize that I was posting all about these outfits I have been wearing and you couldn't even see the pictures. I am making an effort to change that.

I have been talking about needing a little more POP, a little more pizazz in my outfits so in an effort to stop complaining and start doing I once again enlisted the help of my fashion fabulous sister, Stephanie Kae. (Who, by the way, is also doing this same challenge but weekly and better!).

Stephanie helped me first find a piece of my clothing that might add some more texture or a more unique element. We chose a flowy (the descriptive way that I often describe my clothes) beige vest. Now you may ask, why beige if you're looking for POP? Well choosing this texturized, fun, and flowy vest allows me to then choose a more colorful layer underneath, such as this mustard yellow long sleeve that I have been dying to wear (but doesn't exactly fit me right so it's nice to have a layer over it).

To add some more fun and flavor we added a thin braided brown belt that is knotted instead of clipped which I think works for the look but is also just because it is broken and does not clasp anymore! I chose skinny blue jeans to go with some braided dark brown (not light brown which would be too "matchy matchy" with the belt) woven flats with silver hardware. A fun leaf long necklace was also fun to add to the equation... see!

Disclaimer: While I am trying to get better at displaying my pictures, today my only option of getting a closeup was at work... in the bathroom during my lunch break. (Which is when I write all of my posts!)

Maybe two bad pictures are better than one?

The Outfit:
Mustard Colored Long Sleeve
Beige Textured (patterned back) Vest
Skinny Jeans (Regular Denim Colored)
Dark Brown Woven Flats with Silver Hardware

Leaf Long Necklace
Braided Light Brown Thin Belt


Workin Lady

Feeling more fashionable than usual.

Ready to conquer fashion! Maybe.

What do you think?? Comments of your own??? More POP tomorrow?