Thursday, September 17, 2009

Who Says You Can't Do Prom Again?

Ok so I think I finally found the perfect prom date and prom group. Am I too late? Two nights ago my sister came over to try on my prom dress for a black-tie wedding she was going to. When she got it out of the guest room closet we realized that not only was MY prom dress hanging there but so was HERS and while MY dress is three years old, HERS is seven and SO deliciously 2002!

The whole house was in for a special treat as we took them on a little trip down memory lane, prom style. We put our prom dresses on for the first time since prom night and walked around the house posing for my mom as she humored us with pictures. It was a joyous occassion :) We not only brought our mom into the madness as paparazzi but made made the boys pose with us in the ever popular prom pose... even Buddy (our dog) graced us with a picture.

So just in case we didn't embarrass ourselves enough in our own home that day, I thought it would be necessary to share it with the world (aka the few friends and family that read my blog).


On Elizabeth... Designed by Elizabeth Rae, Made by Vera Villa

On Stephanie... Dress from Windsor Store

Now: 3-7 Years Later

With Buddy...


With our dates...


With the sun that made us realize our dresses were see through... oops



Anonymous said...

Personally, I wear mine quite often. Some years, I go out on Valentine's Day with single girlfriends (and boyfriends), dressed to the nines. One year we went out for beer and burgers in our ballgowns, which drew some stares, but we had a lot of fun. Another year we had a champagne tea in London with scones and cucumber sandwiches. Next year we're considering Paris. It's fun to Prom Dresses Cheap up sometimes, and if you don't have a reason, you make a reason.

That said, the other ideas people have posted are all good, and probably more practical than mine. If you need money, you can always sell it - I've sold a lot of my wardrobe on eBay, Depop and Vinted, when my family have been in need of money. (Though if it's a good-quality dress, you can probably get a better price selling to a resale shop.) And I really like the idea of donating it to a program that passes them on to girls on low incomes, if you have such a thing in your area.